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An Easier Way To Tag Your Livestock

Tags From Nordic Star

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Call 0800 731 9465

High Quality Products

Manufactured in Germany, exceeding UK PAS 44 standards.

Own Laboratories

Only provider in UK with their own UKAS accredited labs for BVD and DNA.

Reporting Tools

Bespoke reporting tools for cattle producers via Herd Companion.

Industry Partners

NMR works with a range of industry partners.

Dedicated Support

Support via phone call, e-mail and field team.

Order Your Cattle Tags Online

With many years experience in the field, Nordic Star has established itself as a key player in the animal identification market.

Browse All Tags
A demonstration of Herd Companion.

Free Online Reporting of BVD & DNA Results

Herd Companion is NMR’s free online information management portal for access to your milk recording, bulk tank milk quality, BVD and genomic test results.

Click Log In (herdcompanion.co.uk) and select Demo Herd to view live herd

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Animal Identification Experts Since 1996

With many years experience in the field, Nordic Star has established itself as a key player in the livestock identification market.

  • Competitive prices for both new runs and replacement tags and only the highest quality products
  • Convenient payment options, including Direct Debit for NMR customers, credit card or cheque
  • Our expert staff will discuss your tagging requirements with you